Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fridays are fabulous

Friday's are my day off...besides the weekend of course.  I "survive" 4 days of long, hard work and busy schedules to and Friday's are my reward.  Typically I stay home and clean house because by Friday, it looks like a tornado has blown slap through the center of it!  But, last Friday I was blessed with the gift of a clean house, courtesy of my amazing and generous husband.

As I awoke to start my day, I couldn't help but giggle at the fact that I really has no idea what I was going to do with myself.  You see, I am a serious creature of habit....locked in routine which is not necessarily a bad thing but sometimes can cause a bit of a hiccup when the habit/routine is shaken up.  So, with no house to clean I resolved to relax and have fun.  I had already "slept in" (which these days means 7 or 8 am) and now I was going to enjoy a nice cup of coffee. 

Soon after that, my Adi awoke and I thought to myself...let the fun begin!  We had breakfast and discussed our plans for the day....we decided to PLAY, PLAY, and then...well, PLAY some more!  And that is what we did...

Ask anyone who knows my Adi, playing with her ALWAYS involves a ton of imagination and pretending.  This day, the toy of choice was the whale but for Adi, she was pretending it was a shark---a friendly shark of course.  And the green laundry hamper was their ocean house...and the "shark" wanted a pink bow in her hair.  Needless to say...there's never a dull moment with Adison!  Both of my girls never fail to put a smile on my face!

By mid-afternoon, some of Adi's BFF's had come over to join the fun (Camryn and Fallon Pressley) and the joy of playtime was taken to a whole new level...

A playdate with Mommy is fun, but a REAL playdate...there are just no words!

This day was truly enjoyable and ended with Sissy and Paige getting in on the fun...

Days like these are far to rare in our busy lives...but when they happen they are filled with joy, laughter and a freedom that makes me remember that I am on this earth to ENJOY life!  Far too often we worry about the little things and pick battles that are futile and not meant to be fought.

I cherish the days I'm kids are only "this" age once.  There are no rewind buttons or pause buttons on this life and so I will choose to make a concious effort to LIVE like there might not be a tomorrow.   For me, Fridays are truly fabulous, but really.... Every day is fabulous!

Dear angel girls of mine,
Live it up.  I pray every day... that you will laugh every day.  That you will take yourselves serious but never too serious...that you will always have enough of a sense of humor to laugh at yourselves and enjoy this life you've been given.  I pray that you will always live BIG and give God the glory in all that you do.  That you will never forget who you are and WHOSE you are.  That you will always stand up and stand strong for what you believe in.  That you will learn to LOVE as Christ loved us and share the grace & forgiveness that has been so freely given to you.  That you will never forget how much your Mommy loves you but that your God loves you even more than that!  Live on purpose...for you were made with a purpose.
Love you,