Tuesday, October 23, 2012

It's been a long time...

Wow, it's really been since May since I have posted.  Where does the time go?  How did I let an entire summer slip by without sharing?  There have been many moments where I have thought...I have GOT to sit down and blog about this, but life got in the way and well here we are and it's October.  I have resolved that I have simply got to do better.  I have got to make time to write! And so I will...

So much has happened since May!  I'll try to hit the high points...

Krystin made the Varsity Cheerleading squad as a freshman!  I am one super proud mommy.  She is so talented....and driven....and amazing!!!!
gotta love those Friday night lights!
p.s. that's my girl up there

Adison was in her very first dance recital!  She completed a full year of ballet/creative movement with a performance in the spring recital.  Very exciting and special...

We had a summer full of fun. No "official" vacation this year but I took 2 weeks off, one in June and one in July and we did 'stay-cations' and spent lots of time just being together and enjoying the summer season. We had a very memorable day at the Knoxville zoo....it was good times! I love summer! It is one of my favorite seasons...I like them all but the hot weather makes this cold blooded girl very happy! We swam and played and rode horses and had playdates and went camping...we lived it up and enjoyed every minute of it!  Here are some random pics of some of our adventures....

I love this life.  I am blessed beyond measure.  
Dear girls,
Always live with an attitude of gratitude.  Life gets busy, it's easy to get distracted and caught up in a routine of life's expectations.  Take time to be thankful.  Stop and smell the roses.  Enjoy every moment.  Make memories....share memories!