My Savior, Jesus Christ. He is everything to me. He loved me enough to save me despite my undeserving ways and he continues to love me through this life despite my repetitive mistakes. Because of him and what he did for me, I am given freedom to walk in grace and peace. With his guidance I strive to be all that he has called me to be. He deserves all of the credit, all of the praise and all of the glory for all the blessings in my life!
My husband, Brad Wright. He is incredible, he is amazing, he is all I have ever dreamed of- God made him just for me! It may sound generic but I'll say it anyway...Brad is the BESTUS husband in the whole wide world! He is also an awesome daddy/stepdad to his girls...a pillar of strength, a ball full of fun, a superhero, a well of knowledge-advise and wisdom. When people describe their spouse as their "other half" I just giggle because when I think of Brad I think of my "BETTER half". He inspires, encourages, supports and prays for our little family every day. He quietly strives to be a man of God and I admire that about him. Aside from all that other awesome stuff he is also HILARIOUS, he keeps me laughing through the ups and downs of this life. I love this man....can you tell?
My oldest daughter, Krystin. She is definitely the best Krystin there ever was! She is 13 years old and is one of a kind- I love everything about her, inside and out! She is my angel, undeniably a gift from above... beautiful, compassionate, caring, and strong. She has been an absolute pleasure to raise so a baby and toddler she was quiet and happy, always content watching the world go by and observing everything about it. She enjoyed being in my arms or on my hip and was not in a hurry to become independent. Elementary school was a breeze- teachers loved her, she did well in her studies and her behavior was always exemplary (minus the over-talkative idea where she got that...haha). She began all-star cheerleading at the age of 4 and continued until she was almost 10 and may I say, she is a NATURAL! We enjoyed several years of mommy/daughter trips (I was a single mom through the majority of these years) to competitions where we made memories that we still look back and giggle about today. She is now an 8th grader and yes, she is still a cheerleader. Middle school has had its fair share of challenges but overall...I can't complain, it's a tough age for anyone to endure! She is still a great student and as I watch her grow and mature, I am so extremely proud of her. Our mommy/daughter adventure for this chapter of life is still cheerleading (I am the assistant coach of her middle school squad) but we have added barrel racing to the list as well. She has been doing it longer than me and is much better at it...she has qualified for youth worlds 3 years in a row and has even started to win some money this year! She is good at anything she puts her hands to (yes I will admit, I am a bit jealous)! Every day she amazes me with her graciousness, her forgiving nature and her nurturing spirit. God definitely has a call on this child's life and I cannot wait to watch her walk out all that he has planned for her. Did I mention she's also an amazing big sister?
Which brings us to my youngest daughter Adison who is 3 years old. (Yes, I have a decade between my children...and God knew what he was doing when he did that!) My Adi girl is the best Adi there ever was! She is a bundle of energy and entertainment. She is courageous, determined & well...extremely smart for her age (if I do say so myself, wink wink). Oh yea, and very vocal! This girl loves to talk and has been able to carry on an adult conversation since the age of 2! She makes us laugh, A LOT and is a ray of sunshine in every day. This child is an amazing mixture of mine and Brad's personalities which can be interesting at times. Raising Adison has been a bit more of a challenge which makes me glad that I had her a little later in patience is much better now. As an infant, she had what some would call colic and cried a lot but once we found the right combination of formula and bottle things improved. When she was born she had a head of hair that impressed everyone and now it is all the way down her back- she never lost it like most infants. Her hair is probably one of her trademarks because it is the first thing that most people comment on when they see her (besides her beauty of course)! This child is so full of life that she inspires me to "live it up"! Even with all of her vibrant energy, she still enjoys covering mommy and daddy in hugs and kisses. She is such a little lover and doesn't hold back her affection...this I love! She has an amazing sense of rhythm for 3 years old and loves to sing or dance which is why we recently put her in ballet. Oh yes, this girl is prima ballerina bound.
And then there is ME...the extremely blessed wife and Mommy! Aside from being wife and Mommy, I work a full time (very demanding) job as practice manager of a 3 provider family practice. My days start between 4:30 and 5 am and end...well that varies tremendously but usually not until 10 or 11pm. I love fitness which is an interesting story because I used to HATE exercise but... in January 2011 I resolved to get in shape and loose weight so that I could enjoy this life again (at that point I was simply not happy with myself). Since January, I have been exercising (cardio/strength training combined) 4-5 days per week and have lost 27 pounds & 3 pant sizes! I feel like myself again! I'm loving this fitness journey and I will never stop! I am also eating right and taking care of myself with a naturalistic approach (supplements/accupuncture/organic foods etc...). Let's see....what else??? Oh yes, I LOVE HORSES and am very lucky to live on family property where my Dad runs a barn/boarding business. We currently have 22 or 23 horses on the places (not sure exactly). I love to ride and have recently began barrel racing with Krystin (I am an adrenaline junkie!) My horses name is Whiskey and he is the "other" man in my life...I LOVE HIM! We spend many evenings practicing and many Saturdays at the races and I love every minute of it. As if there were time for anymore....I am the assistant cheerleading coach at AC Reynolds Middle School which is so much fun. Our squad is a group of 12 sweet girls who put a smile on my face every day. They are so much fun to be around and I so enjoy watching their eagerness to learn and improve their skills. There's also church where we are involved and engaged in various areas. As you can see, busy is an understatement! At times I am overwhelmed and exhausted and am left feeling like my days just run together but I deeply desire to be all that God would have me be in this life. And though I am busy now, it won't be like this for long....before I know it my kids will be grown and I don't want to miss a thing along the way! So, each day I try to rely on God...1 Corinthians 12:9 says "My grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in your weakness"...he gets me through! The Proverbs 31 woman is my hero and I want to be just like her! I want to honor my husband and make him proud to call me his wife. I want to raise happy children who know about Jesus. I want to laugh, play and enjoy this life....making every day fabulous! Life flies by...I choose to enjoy it!
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