Friday, September 16, 2011

Sweet Dreams Princess....

I admire and desire the trusting nature of a child.  If we could "hold on" to that trusting nature into adulthood...our lives would be so different.  Example: we recently bought a book for Adison to read at bedtime titled "Sweet Dreams Princess"...a biblical devotional for young girls.  Many nights we sit in Adison's room with her and read her a bible story that then leads into a discussion about the story and how it relates to a young girls life.  The conversations are so precious and the trust that Adison has in God because of what she's being taught is inspiring.  Usually it is Mommy/Daughter time but sometimes Brad and/or Krystin will join us.

Sissy reading to Adison...special times!

By the time we reach the end of the devotional and discussion there is a segment that prompts a prayer or praise time.  Those are the moments I treasure!  Adison raises her hands towards heaven and declares her love for Jesus with such conviction that it brings tears to my eyes!  If you ask her where Jesus lives, she'll tell you "in my heart" (in the cutest little voice EVER), if you ask her what Jesus did for her she'll tell you "he died on the cross because he loves us"....remarkable!  She knows these things beyond a shadow of a doubt because she trusts.  I believe that children have a unique connection with the heavens and can see things that us doubting adults cannot.  Adison will often tell me that angels watch over her bed when she's sleeping and one night as I was praying over her, I felt the presence of God so strong in her room and Adison looks up at me to say "Mommy, I feel Jesus".   It literally took my breath away.  I pray that closeness stays with Adison for the rest of her life.   It is these precious moments that I treasure!

The other night after Krystin, Adi and I read her devotion together and had our praise session (where instead of saying HalleluJah, Adi shouts HalleluLah....hilarious and sweet!)...Adison asked her sissy to read to her and chose a book called "Love your neighbor" and they sat together reading and enjoying each others company.  I love times like these because for a bit...they aren't fighting!  Whew.

The undoubting trust that my children place in me as a parent inspires me.  It reminds me that God desires that same trust from me.  You see, for the past 9 or 10 days now I have been dealing with intense neck pain that has brought me to tears (not typical if you know me).  When I am sick or in pain, I may complain a little but for the most part I will push through, after all, as wife & mommy there's SO much to do!  This time there was no pushing through...the pain has simply been to much for me and I have had to miss 2 days of work and neglect some of the housework and fun time that is typical for our household.  I have had to make very intentional attitude self checks because I catch myself being "short" or grumpy and not wanting to deal with anything.  Two nights ago I went to bed feeling much better, as a matter of fact I had felt better that day than I had since my neck started hurting, but awoke at 3:30am in such pain that I broke down crying and could not stop (not a moment I'm proud of!).  I stayed home from work yesterday and found myself praying harder for healing than I had prayed yet.  I've been praying for healing and looking for God to do it "my way" and make me better but yesterday during my tearful prayer I felt his presence, and his peace.  Soon after that it was like he started handing me answers...his way.  This healing was not going to come instantly but I discovered that if I would just TRUST, God was going to guide me to healing.  I went to the doctor yesterday and found out that I had a rib out of place (which he fixed), a pinched nerve in my neck and a herniated disc at C7.  Answers and relief!  Thank you Jesus.

My children inspire me and my God works through them so often.  Honestly, I think he speaks through them sometimes.  As my children grow and learn, I will learn and be changed in the process and I will try to trust like they trust, believe like they believe and LIVE FABULOUS!

Dear angel girls,
Thank you for being such an inspiration! I am a better person because you are my children.  Don't ever stop trusting and relying on God for he is always working for your good! You are amazing!

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